All fields, whether required or optional, must be represented in the upload file.
The field must be included, even if it does not contain data.
File must be comma-delimited in the following format:
-Contributor record id
-Permit number (if applicable)
-Month Found (numeric)***
-Day Found***
-Year Found***
-Adjacent County**
-Site description
Latitude (Decimal Degrees)***
Longitude (Decimal Degrees)***
-Field number
-Species Group**
-Collection method**
-# collected / observed
-# removed / vouchered
-Institution of Specimen(s) Disposition
-Museum code or Accession Number
-Was organism present? (yes or no)
-Quad name**
-HUC (10 Digits) ***
-Was organism found during daylight or crepuscular periods? (yes or no)
-Additional notes
*Blue fields are required
One of the Green fields is required
**Indicates that the data is restricted and can only be certain entries; otherwise, the data will be flagged as invalid and the record will be rejected.
***Data must be within certain parameters or a certain range.